Thursday, 8 January 2009

Kiss Sport

Hello, I am Grant and this is my Blog, Kiss Sport.
I Kiss Sport. I love it - almost all types of sport - although I play a bit of (non-serious) Football - it's mainly the spectating I spend most time on.
Favourite Sports are. . . Football, Tennis, Rugby Union, Cricket and Golf. But really I will watch anything including NFL, Baseball, Snooker, Pool, F1, Cycling, Darts, and of course that great sport known as the Olympics.
The Olympics are great and when you find yourself waking up at 3am to watch the Open Water swimming (what the hell is that?), then yes, you know that Sport is a great and powerful thing in your life. Or the other one, getting to your destination but staying in your car listening to Kayacking on the radio. . . it's all good.
Bad Sport's I don't like are: Equestrian (posh folk riding on their daddy's horses); Anything that get's judged - diving, gymnastics, synchronised swimming, ice dancing etc; Rugby League as it's just crap.